If you encounter an EF04 Error during the count, please follow the below instructions:
Step 1: Open the back compartment and remove the stuck notes
Step 2: Make sure the counting sensors are clean of dust
Step 3: Ensure the counting sensor cables are plugged properly
Article: https://deteckusa.reamaze.com/articles/dt800-counting-sensor-cables-connection
Step 4: Check the counting sensor voltages
Press ADD+MODE at the same time to access the voltage dashboard.
The values of Left IR, Right IR and Get IR should hover around 3.1 - 3.2v
Go to page 3 by pressing on the Down Arrow
Check the JSFS_Z and JSFS_Y Emitting Counting Sensor voltages. The normal values should hover around 1.1 - 1.3v
Please report to us your findings if the voltage values are abnormal. You can contact our support team at support@deteckusa.com.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns running the troubleshooting steps