DT600C - Start Sensor Troubleshooting

If you're encountering Start Sensor Abnormal error as soon as you turn on the machine or during the count, please proceed with the following steps

Step 1: Please clean the Start Sensor located on the Hopper Stage. Also, ensure there is no direct sunlight exposure on the sensors.

Step 2: Access the Sensor Static Data and run a self-check
Article - https://deteckusa.reamaze.com/articles/dt600c-static-data-troubleshooting

Once you complete the self-check, please ensure you press the"↓" button to select START, cover the hopper sensor (as indicated in the image below), and then press the "OK" button to run a self-learning check

2.1. If you get a notification to remove shielding, remove the bill covering the start sensor and press OK. The system will help auto-adjust the start sensor sensitivity level

Important: Once you complete the above step, Press REPORT to exit the Sensor Static Learning mode and go back to Sensor Static Data. Press START to exit.

Alternatively, you can adjust the Start Sensor Sensitivity level through the main menu (only if you are experiencing issues with the auto-adjustment tool)

Step 1: Access the SET MENU by pressing the OK button until you are prompted to input a password “↓↓↓↓”
Step 2: Select User Menu to access the settings and scroll down using the down arrow, select Start Sensor Threshold, then press OK
Step 3: Lower the sensitivity if needed and press OK to save your selection

2.2. If you get a notification to hold off the hopper, please turn off the machine and proceed to step 3

Step 3: If the above steps do not help resolve the issue, Check the start sensor cable connection. Article - https://deteckusa.reamaze.com/articles/t600c-start-sensor-cables-connection

If the issue persists, please contact support@deteckusa.com and help report the following details. We will help provide additional troubleshooting steps!

  • Your Full Name:
  • Order ID:
  • Money Counter: DT600C
  • Serial Number: (can be found on the back of the machine)
  • Cleaned the Start sensor: Yes / No
  • Start Learning Mode Notification: Remove Shielding or Hold off the report?
  • Start Sensor Sensitivity adjustment: Yes / No
  • Start sensor cables properly connected: Yes / No

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